Received this great bit of feedback today and thought I would share it with you: “Hello and greetings from the United States ! I just wanted to let you know that I purchased the fork- spoon and knife necklace last year when I was attending the Marty gras parties. The necklace still is beautiful and ALWAYS get comments whenever I wear it – sometimes I have to remove it because I receive so many comments – where did you get it , what does it mean, I guess your only eat \” lite\” meals etc. anyway, I have just found the website after misplacing your business card. Thank you again for your skills in putting together such a talk about item.. Truly I get more comments on your item then any of my famous Rolex watches or Tiffiney company rings ! Thank you again and I will now be sharing your web address. Thank you Bobby Edington President” The necklace is by ZED Jewellery and his full range can be found at HERE Cutlery Set pendant by ZED Jewellery

Bobby with the only female captain of a cruise ship in the world- capt Karin